Seeing peers use substances regularly can also give the impression that the substances are safe to use or won’t have any negative effects. Peer pressure can not only bring about changes in behavior, but also thoughts, opinions, and feelings. While peer pressure is most frequently used to describe the influence of friends on teenagers, all people can be subject to peer pressure. When a person has been pressured into unhealthy habits, a counselor can help the individual reevaluate and change their behavior.
Indirect Peer Pressure —indirect peer pressure is subtle but can still be toxic. Maybe you overhear some gossip about another person, and your behavior toward them changes based on the gossip alone. In the case of teens, parents are rarely concerned about the peer pressure their kids may face to engage in sports or exercise, as these are typically seen as healthy social behaviors. This is OK, as long as the exercise or sport does not become an unhealthy way of coping, excessive to the point of negatively affecting their health, or dangerous (as in dangerous sports). In reality, peer pressure can be either a positive or negative influence that one peer, or group of peers, has on another person.
Understanding the effects of peer pressure
They explored the students’ motivations behind peer assistance and the interplay between assistance and resentment, and the impact these had on subsequent student behavior. Being able to spot signs of peer pressure will allow you to intervene when you recognize that your child or someone you care about is headed down an unhealthy road. However, it’s important to remember that peer pressure can have both negative and positive impacts.
It may also influence the person to participate in unsafe, risky, or dangerous sexual activities. The consequences may include being exposed to a sexually transmitted infection (STI), developing pregnancy, or having images of yourself posted online without consent. Another investigation, completed in 2011, looked at the effect of peer pressure surrounding sexual activities in the youth surrounding US born Mexicans and Mexico born Mexicans. Many adults are susceptible to drinking too much because their friends are doing it, or putting work before family because they’re competing with other people in their office for a promotion. We tend to hear more about the potentially negative effects of peer pressure. For instance, two friends might put positive pressure on each other to go to the gym together and stay accountable for their fitness goals.
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The following six terms are often used to describe the types of peer pressure a person may experience. Parents can become the strongest influence on their children, as long as they understand and are aware of the different types of pressure they face. Healthy supportive family relationships, behaviors that demonstrate responsibility, openness to dialogue, freedom from prejudice, and avoidance of judgment are often components that develop a positive influence on adolescents. Peer helping, a form of student–student interaction where knowledge is shared voluntarily to aid every student’s understanding of the course materials, is widely recognized as having a broadly positive impact in education. If you suspect that your kids are struggling with negative peer pressure, encourage them to talk to you. Encourage them to talk about it with another trusted adult, like a teacher, a school counselor, a doctor, or a therapist.
That is, girls who engage in activities with their mother are more likely to discontinue cannabis use (Van den Bree & Pickworth, 2005). Spousal interaction may also become influential in the cessation process as engaging in similar activities (ie, cannabis use) reinforces cannabis behavior (Chen & Kandel, 1998). As a result, the power and impact of digital peer pressure may vary throughout the world.
Leadership tool
This is when a child is forming new friendships and choosing an identity among those friends. For example, if a person sees that their group of friends spends a lot of time drinking, they may feel pressure to drink, even in the absence of direct peer pressure. Compared to peer influences, parental and sibling influences play a minimal (or indirect) role in cannabis cessation. Contradictory studies show that living with both parents may be integral in self-initiated cessation (Sussman et al., 2012) or have no effect on cessation (Little et al., 2013). Yet, another study by Van den Bree and Pickworth (2005) show that parental bonding, especially for females, may play a contributing role in cessation.